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Hunter Perrin

Updated: Feb 28

Don’t miss Hunter Perrin's solo acoustic performance at the Wright! Born into a musical family in Texas, Hunter grew up listening to Willie Nelson, The Fabulous Thunderbirds, Fats Domino, ZZ TOP, and The Texas Tornadoes.

He is fortunate to have performed with many of his influences including Archie Bell, Roy Head, Jerry Lee Lewis, Little Richard, John Fogerty, and Billy Gibbons.

When performing in a solo setting, Perrin combines instrumental fingerstyle guitar with original songs.

Hunter Perrin don’t miss Hunter Perrin's solo acoustic performance at the Wright! Born into a musical family in Texas, Hunter grew up listening to Willie Nelson, The Fabulous Thunderbirds, Fats Domino, ZZ TOP, and The Texas Tornadoes.

Hunter Perrin photo by photographybycade.com

Hunter Perrin @ the Wright Opera House October 9th, 2021.

1230 Main Street Ouray, Colorado 81427

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