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Mark Burns in Huntsville, Texas

Updated: Jan 9, 2023

The iconic photographer, Mark Burns was in Huntsville, Texas at the Exhibit Gallery, Katy & E. Don Walker, Education center June 13th, 2019 to show case his Grand Canyon exhibit on display which marks the 100th anniversary of the establishment of the Grand Canyon.

Also on display were three original Ansel Adams prints from the Center for Creative Photography at the University of Arizona.

I had the chance to speak with Mark about his collection and even received a little insight on his style. Mark also was kind enough to posed in front of his famous photographs of the Grand Canyon that he took.

I had the chance to speak with Mark about his collection and even received a little insight on his style. Mark also was kind enough to posed in front of his famous photographs of the Grand Canyon that he took.

Mark Burns shares some of his experiences and history of the famous 100th year anniversary of the Grand Canyon exhibit in Huntsville, Texas.

Mark Burns with his Grand Canyon photos. I took these photographs of Mark at the Huntsville, Texas

Exhibit Gallery, Katy & E. Don Walker, Education center June 13th, 2019.

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